Letter to a Mentor draft #1

My mentor is Salice Rose a 22 year old women that is every hardworking, dedicated and very down to earth type of person. Out of so many people why did i chose her? I chose her because of the great advice she gives on life and that no matter how hard life gets you must keep going. That you do not need negative people in your life, always try to make the best out of each day and be the better you everyday. The advice she gives helps a lot because at times its what you want to hear and need and it feels so good to know you are not alone. She always speaks her mind, she never stays quite about anything if it bugs her she will tell you. Salice is a very confident person she dose not care what the haters say she will always be her self. She makes funny content on youtube and instagram always know how to make people smile. I love the fact that she will be her self no matter, even if it is wearing red eye shadow on one eye and green or blue on the other. 


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