How to host a good conversation online

How do you make a good conversation online? Where does it all start?
 To make this a good conversation first of all, obviously you have to have something to talk about unless you want it ready boring. No one likes those dry conversations where it goes from: Other- yeah... You- ok  Other- what you doing?  You- nothing, how about you? Other- same nothing You- oh nice Other- yeah You- yeah and so on.
 What do you talk about when your having a good conversation with someone? Could it be Make-up, sports, school activates, homework, or even what there doing on the weekend?  Who do you make the most good conversations with? Is it your best friend, your significant other, even your mom, dad, sister, who? There just someone people that you can start a conversation about anything really, from a show, to how u do not like the heat or anything to that matter. Like my best friend and I the other day, we went from taking about are day to taking about spongebob for some reason. Little things can make really good conversations, it don't have to be all complicated. 


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