Earth on turtle's back

Just know that the meaning behind this story i love so much and is very true.

This story is about a women that falls from the sky and the animals from the ocean saw her falling and catch her. They see that the woman needs land and they want to bring it up. Many try to swim to the bottom of the ocean to get the land but they couldn't. Then they hear this little voice speak up "I will bring up Earth or die trying" to there surprise its a tiny Muskrat. The Muskrat dove down and swam to the bottom. Even if she felt her lungs about to burst.
The animals on the top seeing that she was taking a long time thought she did not make it. As they saw the tiny Muskrat break the surface her right paw she held tightly shut, she had Earth. The little Muskrat placed Earth on the back of a Great turtle. The Muskrat climb on the turtles back and with her paw she made marks on the turtles shell that is why turtles have marks on there shell. Once she placed Earth one the turtles back it began to grow larger and larger until it became the whole world. The animals that had caught the women from falling from the sky placed her onto the new Earth. The woman open her hand and seeds fell into the soil. From those seed trees and grass began to grow. That how life began on Earth.

The whole point of this story is that no matter your size you can do anything. You set your mind to it you will accomplished it without a doubt. No matter who you are you can do so much remember that it starts with one person and you can do it.  


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