
Showing posts from 2017

Big question: life after high school

Well I'm a Jr in HS so its time to think about life after high school. I'm already half way down with Jr year getting closer to Senior year. To think about that life after high school is kind of scary when you think of it. Most of all every hard when most of us don't own what went to do or be in life. Well for me I'm hoping to do Cosmetology and Barbering in  a school called Paul Mitchell schools in San Diego.    Paul Mitchell's it's every well know for there products. But why San Diego you might say because of its huge place that it has if you just see pictures about the place it looks like it should be museum. Yeah i get it, it might look nice but why not closer to home to your family? I love my family don't get me wrong but i just want to see if i can actually do this like its a big step i want to take in my life.    I might  not leaving right after high school, I'm gonna stay in my hometown for 6 to 7 months to work my ass off so i can collect mo...


The biggest part of the ending of the semester, what everyone freaks out about FINALS. This year my English teacher asked what do we want to have on are final. I've never heard a teacher ask that, it's usually them telling us what's gonna be on the test, study and then good look. I liked that he 's letting us choice on what will be on the Final. Instead of being a surprised and then being so lost, like when did I learn this. To answer he's question what I would like there to be on the final exam is Richard Cory, Right to your opinion, Earth on turtle's back, A dream within a dream, Vocabulary and I want it to Multiple choice.

"Immigrants in our own land"

This is about well immigrants that come to the land of there dreams. There getting asked questions checked by doctors. There excited to go work. But at the it ends up being worse then they old land. They start talking on how great there old land is and how better it is compared to this. Only earning 3 cents a hour. They see a  nice mew person come in all nice with a nice hair cut and everything owning that later he's gonna miss his old land like the rest working there.

What's next for me?

I've learned so much by just being in this class. Just on the new way of learning that we get in the course. I've learned about Richard Cory on how everyone saw him perfect when he was not and at the end he killed him self. On right to my own opinion where everyone has a voice no matter who you are. There's much more but I'm not just learning school stuff, I'm also learning things about the world. Things we will need in life. Like are Resume how they should be and look like. What they should have and not have. Little things like that come a long way.

Emerson for the young buck

The meaning of self reliance is  reliance on one's own powers and resources rather than those of others. T he individual may achieve such a relationship with nature and God through self-reliance. To be self- reliance  individuals must avoid conformity and false consistency, follow their own instincts and ideas, and remain true to themselves.

First paragraph on Self-Reliance

So far the first paragraph is not boring me to sleep which in this case is good. Besides not making me fall asleep, I really don't understand whats its trying to say I just read it 3 times and get more lost. I don't understand on whats  it's talking about well i kind of do but really at the same time I'm confused.

Something interesting about the book I'm reading

As you know the book I'm reading is The Dogs Of Winter by Bobbie Pyron.  It's about a abandoned boy on the city streets, why you might say because for some reason hes mother disappear. With little chance to live because of the harsh winter, unexpectedly he is adopted by a pack of dogs who quickly become more than just his street companions, they become his family. That's just from reading the back of the book and a couple pages in. What do you think does it sound interesting enough? Let's see what journey this new family takes.

Literature Analysis #1

The book I chose for my first literature analysis is THE DOGS OF WINTER by Bobbie Pyron.  Stay with me and see where this story takes us and how it ends. So far by just reading the back of the book it sounds good: "A small boy, cruel city and the incredible dogs who save him."

How to host a good conversation online

How do you make a good conversation online? Where does it all start?  To make this a good conversation first of all, obviously you have to have something to talk about unless you want it ready boring. No one likes those dry conversations where it goes from: Other- yeah... You- ok  Other- what you doing?  You- nothing, how about you? Other- same nothing You- oh nice Other- yeah You- yeah and so on.  What do you talk about when your having a good conversation with someone? Could it be Make-up, sports, school activates, homework, or even what there doing on the weekend?  Who do you make the most good conversations with? Is it your best friend, your significant other, even your mom, dad, sister, who? There just someone people that you can start a conversation about anything really, from a show, to how u do not like the heat or anything to that matter. Like my best friend and I the other day, we went from taking about are day to taking about spongebob for some reas...

Vocabulary #6

Meme-virus of the mind Today is meme day at school. Virus-a piece of code that is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect,such as corrupting the system or destroying data My computer has 30 viruses, how can that be. Blog-a regularly updated website or web page typically one run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversation style I dont always post on my blog, but I think i gonna start to. Wiki- a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its user I got my info on Wikipedia. URL- the address of a world wide web page What's the URL to get to the page you're on. Website- a location connected to the intenet that maintains one ot more pages on the world wide web, info that is shown in the world wide web Go to this website. Www- world wide web, user interface Why do we always have to use www. Something when we want to go to one page. Internet- a global computer networ...

Today I'm a good human being

 Are you a good human being?  If you say yes how? What makes you a good human being? Really think about this because when we do something nice for someone do we think to are self's dam I'm a good human, I don't think so we just feel good to help that one person. When was the last time you were a good human being or did something nice for someone?

Letter to a Mentor draft #1

My mentor is Salice Rose  a 22 year old women that is every hardworking, dedicated and very down to earth type of person. Out of so many people why did i chose her? I chose her because of the great advice she gives on life and that no matter how hard life gets you must keep going. That you do not need negative people in your life, always try to make the best out of each day and be the better you everyday. The advice she gives helps a lot because at times its what you want to hear and need and it feels so good to know you are not alone. She always speaks her mind, she never stays quite about anything if it bugs her she will tell you. Salice is a very confident person she dose not care what the haters say she will always be her self. She makes funny content on youtube and instagram  always know how to make people smile. I love the fact that she will be her self no matter, even if it is wearing red eye shadow on one eye and green or blue on the other. 

Vocabulary #5

Venomous-(of animals especially snakes, or their parts) secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting The bite of venomous snake can send you to the hospital. Stolid-(Of a person) calm dependable and showing little emotion or animation Her stolid facade is somewhat unnerving. Hypnotized- produced a state of hypnosis in (someone) A witness had been hypnotized to enhance his memory. Suspended-temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect Two officers were suspended from duty pending the outcome of the investigation. Transformed-make a thorough or dramatic or character of undergo a transformation An automobile that transformed into a boat. Accuse-charge (someone) with an offense or crime She was accused of murdering her husband's lover. Anticipate-regard as probable; expect or predict *guess or be aware of (what will happen) and take action in order to be prepared She anticipated on her return to the theater. Fri...

Prompt 2

The tone of the story Young Goodman Brown is serious through much f the story. From the begging of the story you can tell because of the devilish stranger. He's uses of words like "evil", "dreary" and "grave" those words gives you a sense of evilness. Also he uses contrast as a way to see the village as good and the forest as bad. There might be some good in the story but the story tone is mostly bad, evil and serious.

Vocabulary #4

Intermittent-occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady Intermittent rain Ebb-the movement of the tide out to sea I knew the tide would be on the ebb. Regress- return to a former or less developed state Art has been regressing toward adolescence for more than a generation now. Tendency- an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior For students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evening Antiseptic- relating to or denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease causing microorganisms.

Vocabulary #3

Coherent-(of an argument, theory,or policy) logical and consistent They failed to develop a coherent economic system. Belabor- argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail Critics thought they belabored the obvious Eschew- deliberately avoid using; abstain form He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence. Acquisitive- excessively interested in acquiring money or material things His acquisitive wife had left him for a Denver architect. Emulate- match or surpass (a person or achievement) typically by imitation Lesser men trying to emulate his greatness

Vocabulary #2

Faith-complete trust or confidence in someone or something My faith is strong. Threshold-a strip of wood, metal or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room She was on the threshold of a dazzling carrer. Tarry-stay longer than intened delay leaving a place She could tarry a bit and not get home until four. Resolve- settle or find a solution to (a problem dispute or contentious matter) The firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days Discern-distinguisn (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other-senses She could faintly discern the shape of a skull Martyr-a person who is killed because of their religios or other beliefs Saints, martys, and withnesses l to the faith. Mirth-amusement especially as expressed in laughter His six-foot frame shook with mirth. Catechism-a summary of the principles of christian religion in the form of questions and answers used for the instruction of christians Catechism is...

Vocabulary #1

Theme- the subject of a talk, a piece of writing a person thought's or an exhibition; a topic The theme for the book is meaningful. Tone-a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch quality and strength The tone of the song is smoothing. Mood- a temporary state of mind or feeling He appeared to be in a good mood.

Earth on turtle's back theme/tone

The theme of  Earth on turtles back is that even if your small you can do anything. Like the tiny Muskrat she brought Earth when none of the other animals could. The tone of this story is beautiful because it shows so much. How the world was made and being small does not mean anything and it should not stop you either. This story is meaningful.

Richard Cory theme/tone

The theme of  Richard Cory rich and has fame will not make you happy. You can have so much but yet it will never fill the emptiness inside or the feeling of emptiness. The tone at the begging is like wow all these people admire him. At the end the tone is sad and surprising because while everyone thought he was good and happy he kills him self. This story is filled with irony.

Earth on turtle's back

Just know that the meaning behind this story i love so much and is very true. This story is about a women that falls from the sky and the animals from the ocean saw her falling and catch her. They see that the woman needs land and they want to bring it up. Many try to swim to the bottom of the ocean to get the land but they couldn't. Then they hear this little voice speak up "I will bring up Earth or die trying" to there surprise its a tiny Muskrat. The Muskrat dove down and swam to the bottom. Even if she felt her lungs about to burst.

Richard Cory

Richard Cory talks about this guy that is very rich. Everyone wanted to be him, people looked up to him. At the end he shoots him self, no one knows why. He had everything, but was he happy? Maybe he did not show it but a person might seem okay from the outside and dying inside. He might have had so much but yet he might have felt empty inside.

Right to my opinion

Everyone should have the right to there opinions. People should be more open minded about it. Everything has a right or wrong but there's two sides to things. Not everyone has the same mind set, everyone has there very own and also there own opinion. Everyone should have a chance to be heard, no one should be silenced because what they have to say might be important just like what you got to say.